A weekend immersion in water and land

In this 2-day residential workshop we will dive into some of our favorite principles of aquatic dance and contact improvisation. We will learn how to release, dissolve, and regather while finding the interplay between stability and fluidity. We will offer tools for developing adaptability, expanding sensitivity, and practicing fluid integrity both in a 97° pool and on land.

Through solo, partner, and group scores we will:

  • Introduce the basics of giving and receiving aquatic support,. 

  • Attune to sensing and moving different layers of our anatomical structure,

  • Follow the chain of movement along fascial networks, 

  • Renegotiate the distribution of tension in our bodies,

  • Find a sense of levity in relationship to gravity,

  • Discover new pathways that emerge through weightlessness and disorientation,

  • Experience more freedom in the body.

This workshop is for:

This workshop will be applicable to dancers, movement artists, bodyworkers, physical therapists, movement therapists, somatic therapists or anyone who is:

  • curious about exploring the fluid mechanics of the body,

  • wanting to be in their body in a more responsive and adaptable way

  • wanting to find more fluidity in their partner dances

  • Interested in developing their technique in aquatic dance


The Inner Sanctum

An aquatic oasis overlooking the mountains in Woodside, California